Tree Goo Boom 

Greetings, Lord of the Dark Forest! We hope that this letter finds you well. We the members of the BBQ (Big Boom Qualified) organisation have heard many a good thing about your work. We are extending to you an invitation to our monthly BBQ meeting, where you can impress us with your art. Our next gathering is in 7 days. We will see you there. 

Nicolba Blowton
King of the White forest
Overseer of the Meat Eating Alchemists
Head of the BBQ Organisation

You are an alchemist living in the enchanted forest, and you’ve just been invited to a BBQ party that’s happening in one week. Blow up the dark forest around you to get a glorious tan to show off to your alchemist friends, and craft bigger and better explosives with the gifts of the forest (that you blew up).

Game play

Use A and D to walk left and right
Open the crafting menu with E
You can trow bombs with Z
Switch your type of bombs with 1,2 and 3

make it trough the 7 days until the BBQ party!

Make sure you run the game in 1920X1080 otherwise you will have issues!

Trouble shooting

Read this first before asking for support!

If you having trouble with the UI layout make sure the game size is 1920X1080 or something very close to it otherwise you will have issues with sizing of UI

For other Issues Join the Discord Here

Game design Document

Link to the GGD


Tree Go Boom GDD 31-7 9.1 MB


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The art is nice, but I'm very confused about what this game is about. Seems unfinished.

Thank you for givjng some feedback :) 

We had indeed some issues with timing and some things are a little bit broken due to it